Ministry Opportunities

Whether it is mowing the lawn, preparing food for the needy,  teaching a Sunday School Class, or even buying a goat for an international family fighting poverty, there are many opportunities to serve for those who are part of the Bethel Lutheran Family.

Connecting in Service

See the opportunities below to find ways to match your interests with the church’s and the community’s needs, and enjoy connecting with others in service! Our church works most faithfully when our faithful members work!

Mowing – Teams of 2 mow and trim usually for 3-4 hours per week.  Contact Ken Linn.

Flower Bed Upkeep and/or Mulching – Volunteers are needed in the spring and summer to keep our flower beds looking beautiful by mulching, planting, weeding, etc.  Contact Pastor Wise .

Church Maintenance – If you are a handy person and would like to assist, contact Steve Black.

Pre-School – The staff and volunteers for Amazing Kids Academy are all accredited and have processed background checks, as well as are active members of the Grove City community.  Contact Jen Beuter.

Sunday School – We have Sunday School lessons every Sunday morning between services for ages 3-Adult.  Contact Amy Phipps.

Bible Studies – Women’s Bible study the first Monday of the month at 10:45 AM at church.  Contact Susie Brown.

Confirmation – 5th, 6th, and 7th graders meet Thursday youth nights.  Contact Pastor Ray at (614) 875-0510.

Please contact the church office  at (614) 875-0510 or email Cathy Tallman to volunteer for any of the following needs:

Worship Greeters – Volunteers arrive 15 mins prior to service to greet guest and members.

Worship Ushers – Volunteers arrive 15 mins prior to service to hand out bulletins.  Ushers also assist in finding seats for guests, support the Acolytes, collect the offering and assist with communion.

Worship Acolytes –  5th – 7th grade students will receive training on Acolyte duties.

Worship Lectors – Volunteers read the appointed lessons from the pulpit.

Worship Assistant Ministers – Volunteers assist the presiding minister with the liturgy.

Worship Communion Assistant – Members will serve communion wine/juice to all who commune.

Worship Nursery Assistance – Volunteers are always needed to help with young children in the nursery.

Service to Others

More opportunities to help others.

Breaking Bread at Bethel

This is a free community meal on the second Saturday each month in Lockbourne or the third Saturday of the month at the church. You can help by donating food, setup, preparing/cooking, cleanup and/or serving. We encourage our members to talk with our guests. Contact Kathy Papic or Gail Morgan.

Faith Mission

This is a homeless shelter where Bethel members can donate food, and/or serve food. The schedule is every first Monday in Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov from 5-8 PM. Contact Mark Papic.

Lutheran Social Services Food Pantry

Volunteers can donate canned and dry food items all year round in collection tubs at both entrances to church. Volunteers can also pick up the order of the participants and help participant with produce shopping. There are two Columbus locations. Sign up at or Contact Gail Morgan.

College Care Package

Collect food and school supplies to send to our undergrad college students to let them know Bethel is thinking of them. This is once a year and usually in the Feb/Mar timeframe. Contact Mellissa Clawson.

Stephen Ministry

Trained Stephen Ministers are paired with individuals going through a difficult time by listening, caring, praying, and embodying Christ’s presence. Contact Jeri Stimson or Pastor Wise.

Garden of Grace

A garden is planted at the back of Bethel’s property and produce is given to various hunger ministries such as Grove City Food Pantry and our community dinner. Volunteers can assist with tilling, planting, weeding, and harvesting. Contact Pastor Wise (614-875-0510)

Lutheran World Hunger

Monetary donations collected during Lent help purchase animals such as a goat, sheep, or chickens to help families become self- sufficient. Contact Gail Morgan.